Sukkah 1


   Join Chabad of North Brooklyn's


Sukkot Celebrations!


Click on events below for more info 

Sushi in the Sukka h *  Family Party  *  Simchat Torah Dancing



Sukkot| Sunday Evening, October 13

Meals in the Rooftop Sukkah 

7:30pm Evening Services followed by  Sushi in the Sukkah


Sukkot |Monday, October 14                                                          

10:00am Morning Services and Kiddush                                                   

7:30pm Evening Services and Dinner


Sukkot | Tuesday, October 15                                                       

10:00am Morning Services and Kiddush


Shemini Atzeret |Sunday Evening, October 20                  

7:30pm Services, Kiddush and  Hakafot


Shemini Atzeret | Monday, October 21                                 

10:00am Morning Services                                                                               

11:30 am Yizkor, Kiddush following Services


Simchat Torah| Monday Evening, October 21                                  

7:30pm Simchat Torah Hakafot

L'chaims and dancing with the Torah


Simchat Torah | Tuesday, October 22                             

10:00am Services, Kiddush and  Hakafot